In the post-Corona period, we find people more online and less offline. Corona has transformed a lot in our lives. Especially, the young generation stays online and follows, likes and dislikes others on social media. They find more information on Google than in books. We see people around us reading, listening, and writing more online and avoiding direct communication. Youngsters also tend to speak less and their response to anybody’s enquiry is in fewer words or mostly through gestures and body language.
The habit, formed in the Corona period, of being online leads to information overload and provides excessive goals. The choice is more on the Internet as it has got no restrictions. Compared to weekdays FoMO is more experienced during weekends. When people start focusing on their important assignments, at that moment, they also think and imagine what their friends, colleagues, and relatives would be enjoying or engaged in.
Read More: The Psychology Behind the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO)
What is FoMO?
FoMO, the fear and anxiety that individuals would feel from not being in touch with experiences in their large social circles, has found a wide application area especially in terms of examining the use of social media (Tandon, et all). Social media helps them to know what others are doing, enjoying and engaging in. They start feeling uneasiness, insecurity and unsatisfying as they are missing out on things which leads to FoMO. FoMO is the fear that others have something that the individual himself does not have, or that others experience what the individual himself wants to experience.
FoMO is all about others and is extrinsic. What others are doing, where they would be, what they may be doing, how much they may be enjoying or having a good time and fun. Instead of thinking of others and their priorities person should think about his time, his choices, his goals, and his life, it should be OUR’S. A person’s motivation should be intrinsic because extrinsic motivation and its sources can exhaust and end over time but intrinsic is inside you and self-motivation is the best way to reach your goals and be focused in your life. Intrinsic motivation is enduring.
Read More: Psychology Behind Motivation
Effect of FoMO
FoMO leads to stress, fatigue, negative affect, and decreased sleep. FoMO reduces self-regulation and helps in consuming all available choices in the market, this is why we buy more in malls instead of regular Kirana stores. The same happens with individuals as there are numerous choices and options available on the internet through various social media, which can divert and confuse a person effortlessly.
As mall gives us abundant and excessive choices and creates confusion and conflict in selection and we end up buying more. FoMO can even lead to anxiety and depression because of continuously keeping track of what others are doing and interested in their activities and life events. It is the right juncture where we must shift from FoMO to JoMO.
What is JoMO?
We should shift our focus from others to self, Extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation, deciding first on our choices and priorities then others finally unsatisfaction to satisfaction. This can be achieved by JoMO, Joy of missing out, JoMO is the feeling of contentment with one’s pursuits and activities, without worrying over the possibility of missing out on what others may be doing. It is all about controlling and managing our emotions and thoughts. Thoughts that get diverted and scattered in FoMO and are focused and concentrated in JoMO.
Read More: The Psychology Behind FOMO
Know FIRO in between FoMO and JoMO
FIRO is the Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation theory given by Schutz (1958). According to this theory, humans have three basic interpersonal needs. These are as follows:
- Inclusion: Participation awareness about interacting and contributing.
- Control: Controlling, leading, influencing and being dominant in decisions.
- Affection: maintain a relationship to get affection and love.
In JoMO you find Firo. You are participating, interacting, and contributing. You are also actively involved in decisions and most importantly you maintain relationships and receive affection and love. You do not see Firo in FoMO. FoMO is missing out on inclusion, control, and affection.
Read More: Joy of Missing Out: Finding Happiness in The Unplugged Moments
Why choose JoMO over FoMO?
- Joy and enjoyment are fabricated in FoMO and subject happiness in JoMO.
- JoMO helps you not to rush into anything and disturb and disrupt your relationship.
- JoMO gives priority to self, family, friends, and others respectively and vice versa in FoMO.
- JoMO is a conscious effort to disconnect from the world of the internet to get offline moments in real life.
- FoMOs are always about others the (universe) and JoMO is all about our choices, priorities, and self-regulation.
- Checking on social media every hour does not change anything about the work at hand instead it consumes your time and diverts you.
- In FoMO person’s involvement in the activity becomes an obligation instead of desire. We pretend to enjoy as others are enjoying. Enjoyment is very subjective and not rented.
- JoMO reduces stress, anxiety, and fear of missing out. JoMO results in self-expression and not in anxiety and depression. Being contented rather than being unsatisfied with numerous choices.
References +
Mazlum, M.M & Atalay, A. (2002). Developing the fear of missing out(FoMO) scale for university students. The validity and reliability study. Journal of Pedagogical Research, 6(4),20-34.
Aurel, G.J.& Paranita, S. (2021). FoMO and JoMO Phenomnenon of active Millennial Istagram Users at 2020 in Jakarta. Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, social and Humanities. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, vol-570