Sadly, humans do not have an 8GB RAM module in their processing system as the computer has, to assess the information quickly, so they need some other way to narrow down the workable solution. The mental shortcut used to draw inferences, make decisions, and solve problems is called Heuristics and is often referred to as the “rule of thumb”.
Heuristics and Its History
Drawing from our experiences, a well-informed estimation helps us narrow down potential solutions to problems, facilitating quick decisions in complex situations. However, this approach often leads to judgment errors. These strategies are frequently utilized in everyday social interactions and various professional domains such as medicine, law, behavioural science, economics, political science etc.

In the 1950s, Herbert Simon, a Nobel laureate in economics and cognitive psychology, introduced the notion of heuristics. He argued that while individuals strive for rational decision-making, cognitive constraints limit human judgment. Ideally, rational choices involve thoroughly evaluating the costs and benefits of all alternatives. However, time constraints and limited information hinder this process. Psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman further explored cognitive biases in the 1970s, highlighting their influence on thinking patterns and decision-making.
Consequently, individuals resort to mental shortcuts to navigate complex scenarios. This behaviour is demonstrated by Simon’s research and expanded upon by Tversky and Daniel’s work. Their contributions have shaped the study of heuristics, simplifying decision-making processes.
Types of Heuristics:
1. Representative heuristics
This is essentially saying that if someone or something has traits similar to those in a certain group, then it is considered part of that group as well. For example, assume that a man has moved into the next house door, has a book-filled shelf, he organized his house neatly, and has the biggest desire to help others find information. Now here is the point, guess his occupation, a librarian, an engineer, or a bank manager. Most of us would tell the librarian, right? Because most of the characteristics of that man represent the characteristics of a librarian. This is known as representative heuristics.
Representative heuristics are effective for categorizing plants but less so when applied to people. They can lead to mistakes by overlooking the actual probability of an event. For example, assuming all individuals with certain traits behave a certain way. For example, assumptions that all red-haired people have a bad temper, or all dark-skinned people are from Africa, and blue eyes and blondes are from Sweden.
2. Availability Heuristics
The availability heuristics means making decisions based on how easily something comes to mind. When faced with a decision, you might recall several relevant examples quickly. Because these are easily remembered, you might think these outcomes are more common or more often. In other words, judging how often something occurs by how we can recall relevant information from memory or think of examples.
For instance, a friend of yours living in a coastal area calls to share alarming news about people in their region losing their lives, the conversation abruptly ends as your friend loses network coverage, before the reason is revealed for fatalities. Guess the causes of the people’s death. We can assume that the fatalities are to be tsunamis because of the information that we know about tsunamis and their catastrophic nature and the familiarity makes tsunamis more easily accessible to our mind when we think about disasters in coastal areas.
3. Anchoring and Adjustment heuristics
A cognitive inclination to heavily depend on the initial information encountered is termed the “anchor” when making decisions or estimations. This often results in insufficient adjustments being made from this initial value. For example, during shopping, if the initial price of an item is much lower than the subsequent price we encounter, we are unlikely to be willing to pay a higher price for it later on.
The anchoring bias is partially attributed to the primacy effect, where people tend to recall information learned first better than later information. This leads individuals to assign greater significance to the initial value, often overlooking subsequent information, thus contributing to the anchoring bias. Essentially, if people remember the initial value more strongly than later details, they are inclined to perceive it as more important, often without consciously recognizing this cognitive process.
4. Working backwards
A helpful strategy is often used in working backwards from the desired outcomes. It is a problem-solving approach where one mentally envisions having already solved the problem they’re facing. By imagining the problem as already resolved, they can mentally backtrack, eventually visualizing a solution. For example, solving a maze by beginning at the endpoint and retracing steps back to the starting point. This type of heuristics is mainly used in solving mathematical problems.
Uses of Heuristics:
- Heuristics are useful to professionals in various fields like medicine, law, behavioural science, economics, political science etc., with their expertise and the available information and also providing the simplest decision-making framework.
- Making rational and informed choices often requires time and analysis, which may not always be feasible. Heuristics offer a reliable method of decision-making in intricate situations.
- When only a limited amount of information or options are accessible, heuristics enable efficient decision-making, contributing to enhanced efficiency, creativity, and problem-solving.
- Heuristics offer an economical approach to decision-making by allowing for quick and effective choices considering the available data and variables.
- Heuristics are used in mathematical problems and help to find solutions easily.
Heuristics and Cognitive Bias
Although heuristics aid in problem-solving and expediting decision-making, they also carry the risk of introducing errors. Heuristics can result in inaccurate assessments of frequency and representation. Additionally, heuristics can fuel stereotypes and biases as individuals use mental shortcuts to categorize others, often neglecting pertinent information and forming skewed perceptions not aligned with reality.
Status Quo bias:
The status quo is where individuals prefer things to remain unchanged or maintain the current state of affairs. While this bias helps minimize the perceived risks of change, it also leads people to overlook potential benefits that could outweigh these risks. For example, consistently ordering the same food item at the same restaurant, choosing the same seat in the classroom and always sleeping in the same spot at home.
This happens because of some reason, firstly, loss aversion bias, when making decisions, individuals tend to concentrate more on potential losses rather than potential gains. Secondly, the mere exposure effect, frequently, our preferences are influenced by familiarity, as we tend to favour things we are more acquainted with. The status quo has the potential to have smaller to bigger impacts, as we discussed in the example, if we consistently order the same food we might miss out on the chance to enjoy the taste of other food and we also might lose the chances and opportunities in our life.
To Avoid Heuristics:
It’s crucial to be aware of its impact and actively engage in analytical thinking. Here are some strategies:
- Seek out diverse perspectives to challenge your initial emotional reactions and achieve a more balanced decision.
- Take a moment to pause and reflect before making decisions, considering whether emotions are influencing judgment.
- Considering the broader goals beyond personal interest and processing emotions can lead to more balanced decisions.
- Practice mindfulness to increase awareness of your emotional state and reduce the likelihood of being swayed by immediate reactions.
- Develop emotional intelligence to recognize when emotions are disproportionately affecting your decision-making and adjust accordingly.
- Implement a relaxation period for significant decisions to allow emotions to settle and rational processes to take over before finalizing choices.
- Utilize analytical tools like decision matrices and cost-benefit analyses to structure your thinking and bring a rational perspective to your choices.
In summary, heuristics provide quick decision-making shortcuts, but they can also lead to errors due to cognitive biases. To mitigate these risks, it’s essential to be mindful of our emotional state, seek diverse perspectives, and use analytical tools. By doing so, we can make more informed decisions and achieve better outcomes in our personal and professional lives.
References +
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