Pregnancy is a period when a woman’s body not only witnesses physical change but a time when she also faces a truckload of emotions that affect her mental wellbeing. These constant changes contribute to her aggravated stress levels and as per the latest studies are more or less a major reason behind miscarriages without medical complications. It was observed that stress causes the secretion of certain chemicals in the body that cast a negative impact on the growing fetus. Scientific research has revealed that when someone is exposed to heightened levels of stress, the brain releases several hormones like Corticotrophin- Releasing Hormone (CRH) that in turn lead to the release of chemicals triggering miscarriages. Experiencing stress for a prolonged period can cause health problems in pregnant women like high blood pressure or heart disease. It is also known to increase the chances of premature birth, low-birthweight babies, and other health complications thereby putting the mother and the child at risk.
Causes of high stress during pregnancy:
1) Anxiety and apprehension about the drastic change in lifestyle after the arrival of the baby
2) Hormonal changes
3) Realizing about your increased responsibilities
4) Having to juggle between work and pregnancy
5) Constant mood swings
6) Receiving too many instructions regarding your “new” Mom duties
7) Undergoing depression
8) Lack of supportive and caring environment
9) Seeing the child as a financial burden
10) No time for self-care
11) Feeling you are stuck and dependent on someone for carrying out daily tasks
How can stress during pregnancy affect your child later in life?
The effects of increased stress levels during pregnancy are not just seen at the time of birth, but they continue to persist throughout the child’s growing stages. Stress may affect a child’s attention span, imbibe anxiety and worry, cause neurodevelopmental disorders and even damage his/her immune system.
1) Seek emotional support from family and friends. Share how you feel and have a wholehearted conversation.
2) Engage in productive activities of choice.
3) Get enough rest and sleep.
4) Consume a nutritious diet.
5) Indulge in relaxation activities like prenatal yoga, meditation, or mandala art.
6) Expressing yourself to your partner can foster a deeper connection between you two.
7) Enroll in childbirth classes if possible.
8) Speak to your boss regarding your maternal leave and work.
9) Cut ties with toxic people.
10) Take advice only from those you trust.
11) Do not exert yourself.
12) Seek professional help in case of persistent episodes of anxiety, depression, or stress.
Although pregnancy and childbirth can be the most joyous experience for many, they may be traumatic events for some. The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period suggests childbirth isn’t always a rosy tale and that stress at the time of pregnancy can have a damaging effect on the baby during his developmental stages.