
Empowering Neurodiverse Families: Protecting Against Toxic Products


Being a neurodivergent person can be an advantage, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. And one of them is the fact that you end up being more sensitive to toxic products. I can tell you for a fact that as a neurodivergent person myself, it’s extremely hard to stay safe against toxic products. You get to feel their effects in a variety of ways, and it only becomes more challenging to deal with these situations. That’s why I think it’s crucial to learn how to educate yourself and that alone will help you take the right decisions. 

Understanding the Risks of Toxic Products

The Impact of Toxic Products on Neurodiverse Families

What’s important to keep in mind is that neurodiverse families are the ones that end up dealing with these problems firsthand. You really need to find a way to manage these challenges, since they can affect both neurological and cognitive development. Some of the chemicals used in toxic products can end up leading to severe changes in the brain’s functions. And kids in particular tend to get it the worst. That’s why you always want to narrow down the type of toxic products you are exposed to and limit the exposure. That will help make things a whole lot better.

Common Toxic Products to Be Aware Of

In the case of neurodiverse families, it’s extremely important to try and limit exposure to toxins and dangerous products. That’s why you have to be aware of what products include dangerous ingredients and toxins. A lot of the time, these reside within items that we are using on a daily basis. Personal care products tend to be particularly important to consider here, but also plastics, pesticides and even house cleaners.

A lot of these items have glyphosate, BPA, PFAs and many other dangerous compounds. Figuring out what dangerous compounds are in here and narrowing down the best way to get rid of them is super important. Thankfully, all products within your home tend to have a label, and you can check their ingredients. Then you can find alternative products that don’t have these aforementioned chemicals.

Reading Labels

Studying labels can actually be a very good idea, and it can give you a lot of great information. Labels on cosmetics, food products or cleaning products are forced by the law to showcase any dangerous ingredients, so it does make a lot of sense to study everything and ensure you have all the info available. Then, you can decide if those products are for you or not. BPA-free, biodegradable or non-toxic are the main things to consider here!

Researching Ingredients

You can research ingredients as you try to figure out what compounds are dangerous for you. The Skin Deep Database, Environmental Working Group, all of these can be incredibly helpful. As always, you only want to acquire data from professional sources. That way, you will have a much better understanding of any danger and how you can alleviate those concerns. Also, look at the various household hazards such as flame retardants, formaldehyde and so on. I think it’s crucial to create a list with those items that are dangerous and then you can find ways to identify alternatives. The more you know, the better it will be, so use it to your advantage.

Opt for Non-Toxic Alternatives

If you are in this type of situation, a crucial aspect is to use eco-friendly cleaning products. Safer plastics along with non toxic paints will be mandatory. But in general, natural remedies or even organic alternatives can do wonders. It will make it easier to figure out how to prevent any nerve damage or dangerous situations for neurodivergent people.

You can also go the extra mile and ensure that the personal care and household items you purchase are free of phthalates, parabens, fragrances and so on. It will be a major challenge to deal with these things, and learning how to manage those can be inherently effective. With that being said, certified organic products are crucial here. And while there, you do want to work solely with brands that are known to not feature toxic products. 

Creating a Toxic-Free Home Environment

We also recommend to go the extra mile and establish an environment free of any toxins. That’s because a lot of toxins end up infiltrating the air and that alone can be a problem. What can you do? Ventilating rooms in order to reduce any indoor pollution is crucial. There are other benefits here too, such as air purifiers that can be very effective and reliable. If you have kids or pets, these products can be inherently useful!

Roundup and Other Pesticides: A Special Focus

Roundup is a company that creates some very powerful pesticides and chemical-based products. And while they can have their uses, they also include a variety of ingredients like glyphosate that can be very dangerous. In fact, Glyphosate is known for leading to neurodevelopmental issues, which also cover autism and others. Making sure you know the health risks and you stay away from them as much as you can, that alone is crucial and something you have to focus on.  

Roundup-Related Lawsuits and Claims

If you exposed to Roundup and its dangerous chemicals, it is possible to  receive compensation based on the severity of the situation, but the average payout for a Roundup lawsuit is estimated at around $160,000 per plaintiff. A lawsuit against Mosanto/Bayer ended up in $2.25 billion as a forced payment when the jury concluded the weed killer Roundup ended up causing a man’s cancer. It’s very important to study all the information and you will have a very good understanding of the process and results in the end.

Creating a Supportive and Safe Environment for Neurodiverse Families

Establishing a great environment for neurodiverse families and making sure they are not exposed to dangerous chemicals is extremely important. The most important thing is to alleviate any sign of toxicity and find the right alternatives that could protect you. With that in mind, you also want to join local or even national advocacy groups. And at the same time, you do want to read labels and ensure you make the right purchase decisions. Doing that will help immensely, and it will only offer a better outcome very single time. Don’t rush when it comes to buying products, and instead you can narrow down the right alternatives in no time. 


If you are a part of a neurodiverse family, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and study the products you use. Some of them can have very dangerous chemicals that can end up causing nerve damage and severe problems. Reducing exposure to chemicals is a must, and it will allow you to avoid issues in the long run. Once you do that, you can prevent problems, and it will only offer a much better result in the long term for your entire neurodiverse family!

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