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Emotional Intelligence, the Effects and the Difference between IQ and EQ

We all know about IQ, which is the intelligence quotient, but intelligence is not only about academics, or perfect scores in tests, etc. There is also a type of intelligence which is known as emotional intelligence. What exactly is this emotional intelligence? How does it affect our daily life? And how is it different from IQ?

Emotional Intelligence

Initially, in history, the concept of social intelligence emerged around the year 1920. After some time, i.e., in the year 1995, the term emotional intelligence was introduced by Goleman in his scientific paper. As per the Bar-On model, emotional intelligence contains the interrelation between the emotional and social competencies, skills a person possesses and the facilitators which signify how an individual understands and expresses themselves and not only their own self, but others around them, with understanding and expressing it also focuses on coping with the daily needs, pressures, and challenges (Furnham, 2012).

In simple words, emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, and regulating your emotions and utilize them in being socially aware while problem-solving (EQ Vs. IQ: Which One Is More Beneficial? 2021).

Effects of Emotional Intelligence on everyday life:

Emotional intelligence benefits you in many ways. The benefits are:

  1. Analyzing the situation before reacting in emotional situations
  2. It improves self-awareness
  3. Enhances empathy for the people around you
  4. Acceptance towards criticism and responsibilities
  5. Enhanced communication with listening skills
  6. Increased problem-solving skills (McCray, 2022).

Not only these but emotional intelligence also acts as a stress buffer. It is seen that people with high EQ (Emotional intelligence) have less chance of being overwhelmed in a stressful situation. These individuals also have higher chances of recovering fast after the situation has ended (McCray, 2022).
Even if an individual has high EQ, it does not signify that they cannot feel anxious or depressed. These people are more likely to experience emotional trauma which includes anxiety and depression (McCray, 2022).

Emotional Intelligence and academic performance

A cross-sectional study was conducted in Malaysia on first-year and last-year medical students. The cross-sectional study used the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Total of 163 students were considered as participants. Of these 163, 84 students were taken from the first year and 79 students from the last year. Emotional intelligence was compared with academic scores on the basis of continuous assessments and final examinations. The results concluded that students with high emotional intelligence had better performance in continuous assessments and final examinations both. This in turn explains that emotional intelligence may have a positive outcome on the academics of the students (Chew et al., 2013).

Difference between IQ and EQ

IQ and EQ these concepts are the two concepts of intelligence, one refers to the book smarts, whereas the other refers to street smarts, respectively.

IQ – It is a numerical value which determines or expresses the mental ability of an individual. Characteristic abilities of IQ are:

  1. Processing visually and spatially
  2. Having knowledge of the surrounding world
  3. Short-term memory and working memory
  4. Fluid reasoning
  5. Quantitative reasoning (MSEd, 2022d)
  6. Learning and adaptation to change (EQ Vs. IQ: Which One Is More Beneficial?, 2021)

EQ – It is the ability of an individual of perceiving, controlling, evaluating and expressing emotions. Characteristic abilities of EQ:

  1. Identification of emotions
  2. Evaluation of emotions felt by others
  3. Having control of one’s emotions
  4. Perceive what is felt by others
  5. Applying emotions to have a social conversation or communication
  6. Relating with others (MSEd, 2022d)
  7. Resolving the conflicts between others (EQ Vs. IQ: Which One Is More Beneficial?, 2021)

The differences seen between IQ and EQ are IQ helps in measuring cognitive abilities while EQ helps in measuring emotional competency. EQ focuses on the identification, control, and use of emotions whereas IQ focuses on processing, reasoning, memory, and knowledge. IQ has an impact on academics, expertise, logic and critical thinking, on the other hand EQ impacts on motivation, relationships, empathy, self-control and self-awareness (MSEd, 2022d).

Tips for improving IQ and EQ
Ways to improve IQ are as follows:
  1. Practice memory activities
  2. Practice control activities
  3. Practicing visuospatial reasoning activities
  4. Relational skills
  5. Learning a new musical instrument
  6. Learning new languages
  7. Reading frequently
  8. Continuing education (Ms, 2022)
Ways to improve EQ:
  1. Using assertive language while communicating
  2. Rather than reacting to a conflict, respond to it
  3. Use and enhance active listening skills
  4. Stay motivated
  5. Practicing mediums to keep oneself with a positive attitude
  6. Enhancing self-awareness
  7. Accept criticism and resolve it constructively
  8. Show empathy towards others (Council, 2021)
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