
Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Are you a Fan or Obsessed!!!

All of us in childhood had one celebrity we idolized too but when this becomes an obsession we call it Celebrity Worship Syndrome. It is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder in which a person becomes overly involved in the life of a celebrity where he/she is completely obsessed with the celebrity. In this case celebrity could be anyone not only specific to the acting industry but it could also an author, publisher, singer, musician, etc. But mostly the research claim that this disorder is associated with someone from TV or the music industry. This disorder is different from an idolizing celebrity as it is a part of adolescent development where an adolescent look at a celebrity as an idol and can also have a romantic and sexual feeling for the celebrity but when this gets worsen it leads to celebrity worship syndrome.  People with this disorder find it difficult to manage their everyday life and it can have a negative impact on their social, and personal, and profession spheres.

Signs and Symptoms of Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Some signs and symptoms to determine if you have celebrity worship syndrome are:

  1. Constantly stalking your favorite celebrity.
  2. Always looking for the means for meet your favorite celebrity.
  3. Inability to control yourself from finding more information about for favorite celebrity.
  4. You are always thinking about your favorite celebrity.
  5. You are not concerned about yourself and are more concerned about your favorite celebrity.

More extreme form of Celebrity Worship Syndrome is erotomania in which a person feels that their favorite celebrity is in love with them.

  1. Entertainment- Socia: This is the lowest level of celebrity syndrome. In this type people worship a celebrity and talk a lot about them with their friends. It is on the lower end. People with this types are usually extrovert in nature.
  2. Intense-Personal: This is the intermediate level of celebrity syndrome. In this type people have an obsession towards their favorite celebrity and consider them to be their soulmate. People with this type are considered neurotic and are moody and emotional.

3. Borderline- Pathological: This is the highest level of celebrity syndrome. In this type people have fantancies and extreme thoughts about their favorite celebrity and have an urge to spend a lot just to but a small article used by their celebrity. People with type are psychotic in nature and are implusive, antisocial and egoistic

Risk factors for Celebrity Worship Syndrom

Risk factor which are associated with this disorder are:

  1. Unable to maintain boundary between yourself and other.
  2. People who have personality related problems
  3. People prone to anxiety, depression or stress.
  4. People who are obsessive by nature
  5. Those who have body dysmorphia and can change their looks and become just like their favorite celebrity.
  6. Obsessive Complusive behaviors
  7. Difficulty coping with conflicts
Mental health implication of SWS

Celebrity worship syndrome can lead to various mental health complications in an individual like:

  1. Problematic use of internet
  2. Attachment issues
  3. Anxiety, depression and stress related disorders.
  4. Problematic relationship with peers
  5. Difficulties in romantic relationship
  6. Improper critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  7. Higher criminal or deliquent behavior in teens.
  8. Lower self esteem
  9. Lower self-acceptance leading to socially desirable behavior.
  10. Daydreaming that affects person everyday tasks.
Consequence of Celebrity Worship Syndrome

According to various researches it has been identified that this disorder have both negative and positive consequence on an individual.

The negative impact of Celebrity Worship Syndrome

This disorder affects your relationship with your partner, family, friends, accquiantance, etc. as your time will be always devoted towards finding information about your favorite celebrity and you will always compare you friends, family, partner with your favorite celebrity. Even you will tend to leave social gathering just to spend time on your celebrities social media handle, live, events, etc.

This disorder can also affect you personal well being as you will always have an urge to look like your favorite celebrity and may even opt for harmful procedure just to look alike. It can even reduce ones self-esteem and confidence as you will always compare yourself with your favorite celebrity and may feel less worthy.

Positive Impact of Celebrity Worship Syndrome

Although we might think that this disorder only have negative impact but many researches have found that people with this disorder may lead to increased motivation and can help an individual bring positive lifestyle changes and habits just like their favorite celebrity.

Treatment for this celebrity worship syndrome

It is firstly very important that parents look upon if their child have any of these symptoms of celebrity worship and try to invest their child’s time in other productive activities like making them meet their friends, involving them in their hobbies, indulging them in any physical or mindfulness activities, etc.

Also it is important to limit the internet and news exposure of the people with Celebrity Worship Syndrome so that they gain less information about their favorite celebrity.

It is also important to bring lifestyle changes in their life by improving their sleep cycle, providing them with nutritious meal, engaging them in yoga and meditation, etc.

Another treatment measure could be counselling and therapy. Since this disorder is a catalyst to various mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, stress, etc. so it is important that a professional look upon if the child has any of this disorder and provide therapy for the same. So a proper counselling or therapy can be also provided as a treatment.

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