Search Results for : traumas

What to talk about in therapy?

So you have booked an appointment with a counselor and decided to begin your journey of healing and transformation. You find yourself worrying that you would sit in complete silence while your therapist waits for you to begin conversing. It’s

Education Health

The Role of Psychoanalysis in Today’s Therapy Rooms

Psychoanalysis is the most enduring and influential theory in explaining human behaviour and the effective treatment of psychological disorders. Founded by Sigmund Freud at the close of the 19th century and the opening of the 20th century, psychoanalysis introduced new


How to Tell If You’re Experiencing Hypochondria (And What to Do)

Think of illness anxiety disorder, commonly known as hypochondria, as your brain’s alarm system getting stuck in the “on” position when it comes to health concerns. It’s not just being careful about your health – it’s when that careful attention

Awareness Health

Psychologist’s Insights on Hypervigilance: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Hyper-vigilance is a state of heightened awareness and alertness toward real or potential threats that result from trauma or other anxiety disorders, as defined by APA. A person with hyper-vigilance is always scanning his surroundings for threats, thus increasing anxiety,

Self Help

7 Tips to deal with Disappointment

Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling in my pain, but the heart to conquer it. Rabindranath Tagore Disappointment can be described as a


Everything you should know about Bowenian Family Therapy

Murray Bowen, M.D. a pioneer psychiatrist who worked for the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) developed the Bowenian family therapy. Bowen believed that there are two fundamental forces, togetherness and individuality, in families. When these forces are out of balance,


How is Sex Addiction Treated ?

Sex addiction is a compulsive behaviour involving overwhelming desires to engage in sexual activity that interferes with daily life, relationships, and responsibilities. People develop sex addiction with easy misunderstanding and, with the power of stigma, this addiction seems as destructive


Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Addiction is a complicated mental health issue. Getting succumbed to drug and alcohol addiction is never a sign of weakness or even immorality. Some people have certain genetic or personality traits which make them prone to addiction. However, it is

Awareness Self Help

Misophonia: Understanding and Treating Sound Sensitivity Disorder

The Misophonia is also described as a word “hatred of sound” and is like more than just a dislike for such certain noises. It is a neurological disorder, and It affects everyday activities and may trigger intense emotional or psychological


Eco-Anxiety: Effective Ways to Cope with Environmental Grief

Coping mechanisms are strategies that individuals often use to deal with stressful situations and unpleasant emotions. They may be conscious or unconscious. Some individuals may confuse coping mechanisms with defense mechanisms. The two are, however, different concepts. Defense mechanisms are