Search Results for : romantic relationships

The Psychology Behind Romantic Relationships

Romance is a beautiful mystery that one finds hard to explain. It is more felt than expressed. Poets and songwriters often express these emotions, but to truly understand love, we might need the help of science to explain it. Romance

News Research

A study found, the power of self-compassion in romantic relationships

The study fully examines that how self-compassion affects a couple’s reciprocity. Researchers discovered a connection between an individual’s self-compassion and the partner’s relationship satisfaction. However, this impact applies only to self-compassion inside the relationship, not to self-compassion in nature. This


Co-Dependency in Romantic Relationships

Interpersonal romantic relationships are usually perceived to be positive, enabling bonds that provide support and affection to the person to strive for better. Within such relationships, there is a predominant nurturer and a predominant nurturant, despite the two of them


The Silent Suffering of Dysfunctional Relationships

Relationships and deeper connections filled with love, affection, and warmth are what make people wake up to joyful mornings filled with optimism and serenity. However, some have to witness the gloomy days of dysfunctional relationships, making it difficult to get


Beyond Clichés: Real Insights for Building Healthy, Fulfilling Relationships

Relationships are complex, unique, and deeply personal. Yet the advice that is so readily handed out to help navigate these complex emotions can feel almost generic, repetitive, and—let’s just say it—full of clichés. We all hear them: “Never go to


The Psychology Behind Soft Launching in Relationships

Social media has now assumed a primary role in our lives. Therefore, we feel the need to reveal and share all the good aspects of our life here. During this digital age, people have widely adopted the concept of ‘soft


The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on Relationships: Insights from Psychologists

Self-esteem refers to the value you place on yourself and it is the qualities you believe you possess. Occasionally, it’s natural to have moments of self-criticism but when you consistently judge yourselves negatively, it can indicate low self-esteem. However, it’s


Are You Suffering from Roommate Phase in your Relationships?

We’ve all heard of the honeymoon phase in a relationship, characterized by passion, excitement, and the thrill of new love. But what is the roommate phase of a relationship? This stage often emerges after the initial euphoria has faded, leading


The Five Love Languages for Lasting Relationships

How do you express love? And how do you like to be loved by someone? There are many ways to express love!  Read on to learn what your love languages are! Since the 1990s – Dr. Gary Demonte Chapman has been


“I am Just Bad at it”: Understanding Weaponized Incompetence in Relationships

“You had one job and you didn’t do it right?” You must have heard this at least once. Well, if the explanation given to this question is, “Sorry, I’m not good at it”, it is understandable. But, imagine if these