Search Results for : relationship

How Withholding Affection Can Ruin Your Relationship

Affection is the pulse of intimate relationships. It is the silent language that builds trust, deepens connection and keeps partners feeling loved. However, when one partner begins withholding affection—consciously or subconsciously—the dynamic can shift from warmth to chill, leaving one


The Psychology Behind Romantic Relationships

Romance is a beautiful mystery that one finds hard to explain. It is more felt than expressed. Poets and songwriters often express these emotions, but to truly understand love, we might need the help of science to explain it. Romance


Is Your Relationship at Stake Due to Emotional Burnouts? Here is how to fix it

Relationships are naturally a source of happiness. They can bring us joy, love, and comfort. However, healthy relationships can occasionally also be troublesome, leading to emotional exhaustion. Emotional burnout occurs when you or your partner experience emotional exhaustion.  It’s not


The Impact of Low Self-Esteem on Relationships: Insights from Psychologists

Self-esteem refers to the value you place on yourself and it is the qualities you believe you possess. Occasionally, it’s natural to have moments of self-criticism but when you consistently judge yourselves negatively, it can indicate low self-esteem. However, it’s


14 signs you are in a Healthy Relationship, According to Psychologists

Relationships are a key aspect of an individual’s social life. It defines their attachment styles, interpersonal bonding, emotional strength, resilience and adaptability. Indulging in healthy relationships leads to the optimum physical and psychological well-being of an individual, thereby increasing their

Life Style Relationship

Psychology Behind Parasocial Relationships

Parasocial relationships can fill a void, providing a connection where real life may fall short. In the world of screens, we tend to feel closer to those favourite characters more than to those next door. What’s comforting about a parasocial


Are You Suffering from Roommate Phase in your Relationships?

We’ve all heard of the honeymoon phase in a relationship, characterized by passion, excitement, and the thrill of new love. But what is the roommate phase of a relationship? This stage often emerges after the initial euphoria has faded, leading


The Five Love Languages for Lasting Relationships

How do you express love? And how do you like to be loved by someone? There are many ways to express love!  Read on to learn what your love languages are! Since the 1990s – Dr. Gary Demonte Chapman has been


The Psychology Behind Long-Distance Relationships

Distance makes the heart grow fonder. We have all heard this phrase and believed in it, and why not? It provides a positive outlook on an otherwise difficult situation. The idea is that when we miss a person, we realize


Importance of Emotional Vulnerability in Relationship

Do you have your guard up every time your loved ones talk about emotional stuff? Or do you leave your inhibitions and become emotionally open with them? What stops you from becoming vulnerable? Emotional Vulnerability Simply put, vulnerability is a