Search Results for : pregnancy

Urgent Steps Needed to End Domestic Violence During Pregnancy

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Domestic Violence is one of the major concerns globally. In India, 29 percent of women in the age group of 15- 49 years face spousal violence and 3% of them experience physical abuse


Why Do Women Face Mental Health Issues During And After Pregnancy?

Mental illness is widespread, and the burden of poor functioning and health is still rising globally even with the expansion of resources and treatment options. There is a widespread misconception that the hormones secreted during pregnancy shield women against mental


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Say No to Drinking During Pregnancy

We often hear about doctors and even any layperson recommending pregnant women to avoid drinking alcohol. Well, drinking for a woman is generally a taboo and judgmental issue, but here drinking alcohol for a pregnant woman can pose several negative


In a Rare Case of Double Uterus Pregnancy, Women Get Pregnant in Both

In a medical anomaly that has stunned surrounding physicians, Kelsey Hatcher a woman from Alabama is carrying a child in each of her two uteruses. She found out she was pregnant last spring, with her husband, Caleb Hatcher, who was


Teenage Pregnancy and Its Impact on Mental Health

The gap between childhood and adulthood is known as adolescence. It entails some significant changes to the physical structure of the body as well as how a young person interacts with the outside environment and goes through physical, behavioral, cognitive,


Taking Antidepressants During Pregnancy: Good or Not?   

For many people who have been using antidepressants to deal with mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, pregnancy can be a scary situation. Especially since the impact of medications on pregnancy is often undermined and not talked about

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Excessive Stress During Pregnancy Can Cause Miscarriage

Pregnancy is a period when a woman’s body not only witnesses physical change but a time when she also faces a truckload of emotions that affect her mental wellbeing. These constant changes contribute to her aggravated stress levels and as

Awareness Health News

How Forced Pregnancy Effect Women’s Mental Health

Abortions have long been a contentious issue. The majority of individuals believe that abortion causes physical suffering as well as long-term emotional distress such as sadness, worry, guilt, and shame, rather than relief. Most people, however, are unaware that refusing


Marijuana use during pregnancy: Negative effects on the new born child.

Marijuana is a dried portion of ‘Cannabis Sativa’ plant. It is usually used to smoke or eat in order to experience certain effects on the body. Consuming Marijuana helps in enhancing sensory perceptions and relaxation. It is legal in few


Study Finds No Strong Link Between Maternal Health and Autism Development

Autism is not strongly linked to maternal health issues during pregnancy, according to a comprehensive study that examined over 1.1 million pregnancies. Rather, genetic or environmental factors could account for almost all of the previously documented relationships between autism and