Search Results for : knowledge

Why Knowledge is not enough for Success

Today, knowledge is a tool not a guarantee of success. We have been hearing this for so many years that “knowledge is power”, “knowledge is everything”, if we have knowledge to do something we can achieve something easily. People usually

Self Help

Intellectual Humility: Nurturing New Knowledge with Flexible Mind

Intellectual humility is important in many facets of human existence. It is defined as being conscious of one’s cognitive limits and being willing to change one’s opinions. This trait, which promotes development and personal improvement, includes being realistic, inquisitive, teachable,


How Knowledge Transforms Our Life

A human being is a social animal that can’t exist without a society. Knowledge is one the basis of society and forming civilizations since ages. From the dawn of humankind to the medieval ages and till the modern 21st century

Awareness Education

The Burden of School Bags: Students Carrying Pressure with the Knowledge

The burden of school bags on children starts from the development of an educational society that goes all the way back to more than 500 years ago. As the field of more advancements and knowledge progressed, the material for it


Interpersonal Relationships: Is Knowledge A Curse?

‘Curse of knowledge’, a phenomenon in which the assumption is that, others would also know something that we know, which is one out of the ordinary mistaken assumptions that are not generally talked about but can be observed in the


Famous Quotes from Psychologists

Psychology has evolved into a distinct field, gaining recognition after years of research and effort. Over the centuries, people have moved beyond the misconception that psychology is solely for treating the mentally ill, acknowledging its broader significance. Otherwise, there are


10 Subtle Traits of a Narcissistic Personality, According to Psychology

In this modern society, we easily say my manager or He/she is so Narcissistic. Does it really mean the individual is narcissistic? Before labelling someone, let’s see what does the real narcissism look like. What is Narcissism really means?  The


Vacancy for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and Yoga Therapist at NIMHANS, Bengaluru

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), a premier Institute of National Importance, announces the opening for several positions for a new mental health initiative. Jesus’s project “EMPloyees Mental Health and Occupational Wellbeing progRamme (EMPOWER)” is geared toward

Life Style

10 Signs Your Body Is Responding to Unprocessed Trauma, According to Psychology

Trauma can be understood as a reaction to stressful events that is potent in causing long-term  physical or psychological symptoms. Besides just being a past experience, it carries the ability to  leave a mark on our bodies and minds without


Emotional Intelligence Linked to Forgiveness in Adults

Parker, Saklofske, and Stough P (2009) define Emotional Intelligence as the ability to comprehend emotions, empathize with others, recognize social signs, manage emotions, and respond culturally appropriately. This psychological notion was first developed by Peter Salovey and John Mayer. Mayer