Search Results for : Relationships

The Psychology Behind Mother-Daughter Relationships

As a daughter, have you ever identified which set of behaviours you might have emulated from your mother and how your actions can be starkly different from your mother’s own? It can reveal a lot about you as a person


The Silent Suffering of Dysfunctional Relationships

Relationships and deeper connections filled with love, affection, and warmth are what make people wake up to joyful mornings filled with optimism and serenity. However, some have to witness the gloomy days of dysfunctional relationships, making it difficult to get


9 Enneagram Types: What They Mean for Your Relationships

The Enneagram is like a map of our souls, but instead of a “you are here” marker, it gives you a “this is why you’re like this” sticker. People love it because it explains why Aunt Linda insists on organising


How Infertility Affects Emotions and Relationships

Reproductive challenges are used as an umbrella term for various challenges like irregular menstruation, low sperm count, low sperm motility, issues with pregnancy and childbirth, etc. Infertility is one of those reproductive challenges. It can be described as the inability

Awareness Self Help

Investing in Relationships: Maintaining a Happy High without Alcohol

You must have heard the phrase ‘happy high’. Is it possible to be high on happiness? Well, neurologically speaking, it is. Happiness and other positive emotions are related to our brain releasing dopamine which is a neurotransmitter chemical messengers that


How Mutual Respect Transforms Relationships for the Better

The word ‘respect’ is used to convey that one admires the other person’s character regarding his/her attitudes and beliefs among many other things. When we add the word ‘mutual’ to this context, we are now talking about respect as a two-way


How Compromise Creates Lasting Happiness in Relationships

Compromise is the basis of any successful relationship. It manifests in a common dedication to tackling divergence and the assurance of shared joy. Some call it a sacrifice, but it is better described as a tightrope act – a way of


How Stonewalling Harms Relationships—and How to Overcome It

Communication, in general, is an extremely important element in any relationship. It allows individuals to share their needs, feelings, and thoughts, developing understanding and connection in a relationship. Resenting and avoiding communication may lead to stonewalling, which in turn causes


Beyond Clichés: Real Insights for Building Healthy, Fulfilling Relationships

Relationships are complex, unique, and deeply personal. Yet the advice that is so readily handed out to help navigate these complex emotions can feel almost generic, repetitive, and—let’s just say it—full of clichés. We all hear them: “Never go to


The Psychology of Phubbing in Relationships

Technology has become an inherent part of our lifestyle. Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are no longer dispensable tools in the workplace, social life, or even entertainment. However, these devices’ prevalence has given way to a new behavioural pattern that