Search Results for : emotions

Yoga and Meditation Practitioners Deal with Negative Emotions More Effectively

A research studied the effects of yoga meditation practice on emotion and cognition at the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University. The study included 14 participants, 7 with yoga and meditation practice, and 7 with meditation-naive subjects (control

Awareness Health

Emotions: Play of Environment and Biology

Mental Health is a broad term to be taken into consideration. It not only includes the actions, attitudes well-being but it also includes under its span the kind of emotions one feels, in fact, if we take a look at


The 6 Basic Emotions and How They Shape Our Everyday Life 

“He is so emotionally sensitive” – you may have heard such comments from someone about someone. Having emotions is a wonderful thing in human life. Each day we encounter different persons, things, or events. We often associate some emotional connection


Psychology behind Nostalgia Ads: How brands manipulate our emotions with memories 

“Amul, The Taste of India… Zaraa si Khushi, Pyaar zaraa sa”  “Nirma, Washing Powder Nirma Dhoodh si Safedi…”  “Vicco Tumeric, Nahi Cosmetic… Vicco Tumeric Ayurvedic Cream”  All the kids who grew up between the 1990s and early 2000s ages would


How Infertility Affects Emotions and Relationships

Reproductive challenges are used as an umbrella term for various challenges like irregular menstruation, low sperm count, low sperm motility, issues with pregnancy and childbirth, etc. Infertility is one of those reproductive challenges. It can be described as the inability


What Are Some Healthy Coping Skills for Uncomfortable Emotions? 

Emotions are that defining part of what it is to be human. Emotions mould our experiences as well as attach us to our inner world. Still, emotions are never pleasant all the time. Sometimes they can feel more discomforting-sadness, anger,

Self Help

How to identify your Emotions when you’re Depressed

Depression can be thought of as a heavy fog within your mind that blocks out everything from view and obscures how one will feel.It’s often a mix of sadness and numbness, making it hard to describe exactly what you’re feeling.


Understanding Grief: Navigating the Complex Emotions, Cognitions, and Behaviors

Loss is a word most people fear and dislike, yet it is something we all experience in our lives in one way or another. Although the form in which it enters people’s lives may differ, what remains consistent is the

Self Help

Emotional Bankruptcy: Depleted Emotions, Indicators & Prevention

Have you ever found yourself pouring your heart into a relationship and feeling constantly drained because you are always unappreciated? If so, there’s a term for this feeling-“Emotional bankruptcy”. And it is more common in modern relationships than one might

Life Style

How does the Green Color Impact your Emotions and Behaviour?

Everybody knows that the green colour is linked with nature, growth and harmony. The green colour is known to denote balance and renewal, such as the visual of a lush green forest rejuvenation our souls. Colors hold a lot of